Garden of Eden Cherry Juice 750 ml
In a 750 ml glass bottle. I put 3 business days if in case we run out, but we may usually have a little on hand for immediate pick up.
By the way, they come in cartons of 8.
8 oz is 230 ml. If for gout, then 230 ml to 460 ml daily for two weeks.
This one is 100% Otago Juice, and whether because of this or whatever, but I had a bit of difficulty walking the other day that seemed to improve almost immediately coincidentally-perhaps? when I drank this mixed in with some distilled water.
Actually, as a tip, mix with some warm water as too much cold or chilled water may not be great for your immune system. Warm water, with or without cherry juice and maybe with LOVE traced with your finger on the cup is not medical advice, but you had better/best believe.