Hallowe'en B & W Gwei Lo Lanterns.
True Meanings of Hallowe'en by this researcher that has incredible tables that often are real. Whilst there is theatre, whilst there is Magic, there also is ability to bend and cleanse and switch to other timelines in time and space. so horrible things are done in people's presence, and evidently the damage can sometimes be reversed??? What about the feelings created? Often many need to reverse day to day scares and traumas with recreation and release methods. If in the 4 D world. Even in the 3 D world, some damage can be reversed to health. Much is done in rarefied groups, but there are false flags done for mass consumption too. Crisis actors, love not love. Healing methods not allowed. Hardly any need for Hallowe'en then. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBofukv9DxU&feature=em-lsp