Candle nuts also called Kemiri nuts, for cooking.
200g pkts.
Also can be used as a makeshift candle, that is why they are also called Candlenuts. Another name is Buah keras.
WARNING: candle nuts are toxic when eaten raw, however the toxicity dissipates upon cooking. The roasted slivers have a pleasant nutty flavour
The name is sometimes rendered as two separate words, candle nuts. In Southeast Asian cooking they are used as a thickener and a texture enhancer in curry pastes and other dishes. ... Candlenuts are called buah keras in Malay, and kemiri in Indonesian.
Not eaten as is, as they have extreme levels of richness. You grind a couple in a mortar and pestle and fry them a bit before addig the rest of your spices to get a fuller flavour and creamy consistency.
Dutch people that have lived in Indonesia may be familiar with them as of course others in that region.
Over 3cm, more like 6cm thick.
Get some Aloha Krupuk too. And a wok. And a mortar and pestle. Krupuk tastes nice with Malay and Indonesian curries. The mortar and pestle can be used for grinding spices and candle nuts.
Ask if you want some as we may have to get another brand. Some more is coming in of the one here.