White square paper lantern with black wood ribs. $12.50 each.
The basic price before delivery is @ $12.50 each.
Japanese look.
They are designed to fit on a lamp that is on the end of a light cord.
Some places like the MEGA shops have a cord that fits on to your existing light bulb that is flush to the ceiling.
30cm high with a base 30.5cm x 30.5cm ..sort of 12 inch cube in shape when opened out.
A square rice paper lantern where the ribs are of black .A cube rather than a square in 3D terms.
In 4D terms perhaps in flowing creative auras beyond, within light.
5D? don't know sorry. But these are useful to concentrate on to apply consciousness to other things and time.
For those that do not need to hang these up to use as a light-shade,
please let me know so that I can supply some that have not been doctored to allow hanging off a light cord.
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