Monthly Wah Lee CALENDAR for 2024 year of Dragon . Here now.
In 2024.
Got an event?
Going to dress up a mall? Chinese New Year theme for 2024 CNY?
Act early please. Hard to get things related to the latest animal at the time of the Astrological animal. The shipping and even factories shut down near the new year. Heck, workers even travel back home. Communist?
No one told them that the manifesto is to destroy the family unit amongst other mostly western based things of the socialists.
2024 year of THE DRAGGGGON!!! A wood dragon. We had a lovely helpful Maori Wood Dragon help us for a too short while. So get ready for a year of the Dragon.
Pay things on time for good luck and make most of this Dragon year EARLY!
You know it is going to be big. for goodness sake, don't skimp and bring in a whole new fresh lot of Lanterns for the lantern festival and don't share it around wear and tearing. Let them have their own festivals.
This has added New Zealand as well as Chinese holiday information. It includes the yearly advice for each of the twelve Chinese astrological signs- in Chinese-one each for the whole year printed onto one of the months. So please do not throw away each page when 'OVER' as it will still have information on it that you will need. Some tape the old month to the picture above.
In any case, quantum theory shows that you can make the future. Spend some great time morning and just before sleep making it great again.
Get in your mind the ridding of many departments like feeding frenzy to give out trauma, yet they supported all the lock step activities and promoted highly untested products for everyone.
We need a new form of Gubberment and Good Aliens say it should get away from the Orion/ Reptilian overbearing nastiness. Needs people to want this and that is the first step.. Not new fangled inventions and DARPA warfare things but directed energy healing versus weapons for example. Don't worry about how to get it, are you satisfied with how big biz / govt rides you?
( Here now!)