Long Jing Green Tea. Hiland Brand.
Loose Leaf. 120g packets.
Also spelled Lung Ching or, Loong ching or even Loong Qing.
Dragon Well Tea. A very good green tea, leaves are heated earlier after processing (picking) to stop the natural fermentation process. Please use water at 80 degrees centigrade.
I had an email from a Karen- oh sorry, a Catherine that expressed disappointment
I am trying some now and feel that it certainly does have that classic Loong Jing taste. Whether it is of insufficient quality I cannot say, however teas can have wildly different prices in those markets that give you a choice. And many are gifted these wildly expensive teas so cannot expect to get the same quality in say New Zealand.
Ah OK, have talked to the importer and what has happened here, is that different years give different flavours. So sometimes stronger tasting, sometimes lighter tasting. So I will add this tea back to the range.
And actually, this is a new season Long Jing, that has just come in.