Is what sort of WOK you buy on this website important? It is important to scrub your wok clean upon getting it home, using suds and a scouring pad. Rinse all suds off completely, and then heat up to dry it out. Have a towel to smear some cooking oil all over the WOK sparingly and whilst still very hot. There is need to thus heat off all moisture from out of the oil. NOW. When you have actually been using your WOK, and actually as soon as you have finished cooking so the WOK is still super hot, then after most food has been served from it and it is near enough to empty, then put it under hot or cold running water holding with one hand with oven mitt or towel or holding the single insulated handle of most woks, and using your other hand, swish robustly to clean the wok well with this WOK brush and no soap. Watch out for the super hot steam. Tip out the water and heat the WOK till totally dry. When the wok is cool then put away into a dry cupboard away from moist air.