Black Garlic. Specially Aged Black Garlic.
NZ$9.00 - NZ$60.00
per item
Chinese black garlic,Use as a herb.
Flavour and cuisine is one thing but it seems to be good for so much of
our modern day medical troubles. Many do not want you to mention anything great for health.
Made over 2013 to 2014 is specially aged for that great flavour and texture.
I have added it to avocados with great success. But just chewing some is
nice as it is.
I wonder if you get Garlic breath?
It is not as pungent or super hot as with fresh garlic.
Often fermented foods are improvements over their fresh counterparts.
Like Gummy lollies and not sweet like sweets, but more sweet than any other flavour which to me is tooo sweet usually.