Tong Sing Almanac for 2024, 2023, put high up in room for good luck, do not read.
This is almost 100% in Chinese, and you will have to know how to use it. It can be used however, without being able to read it, by placing it on display up high for good luck for the Chinese year. and we need all the good luck we can get.
This is a Hong Kong version.
Please do not look inside as some pages are talismans that may have an undesired effect on you.
Every 60 years they are the same.
So if you are 80 years old,
you may have the complete set if you buy every year. Perhaps put a note on it as to the years?
May be hard to get,
but in Hong Kong - maybe on Amazon?
there is an English book on the Tong Sing that is fascinating giving a history of it and also some incredible wisdom.
Not that wisdom is the way to go?
You will nnever become president!